“Can our current energy and gas contracts be optimised?” With that question, Pluimveehouderij Wouters (Poultry Farm Wouters) came to COMCAM. Of course, this was possible. Within one year, the client saved € 25.000. COMCAM also discovered opportunities for the onsite windmill.
About the client
On the premises of Pluimveehouderij Wouters in Meliskerke, The Netherlands, there are three large stables housing around 170,000 chickens. These stables have to be heated and have solar panels on their rooftops.
The client’s request
The client had entered into two contracts to heat the stables via gas and solar power generation. Early in 2022, Pluimveehouderij Wouters asked COMCAM whether they could optimise these contracts.
The challenge
During the initial conversation, it became clear that the property also had a windmill. This windmill produces 500 to 600 thousand kilowatts per year, equalling the consumption of 250 households per year.
Given the high energy prices in 2022, it was important for Pluimveehouderij Wouters to ensure they got the highest possible yield from their self-generated energy. This proved not to be the case when COMCAM analysed their contract. Therefore, COMCAM will immediately take over the contract once it expires in 2023.
The solution
COMCAM advised Pluimveehouderij Wouters and guided them in optimising the separate contracts. The gas contract was variable and could be converted immediately, saving € 25,000 in one year.
The conversion of the gas contract saved € 25.000 in one year.
The windmill and solar panel contracts will be converted in 2023. The new energy contract for the solar panels is expected to save the poultry farm € 10.000 a year.
Extra: certificates
From July 2023 onwards, COMCAM will also take on selling green certificates for renewable energy generation, saving the poultry farm around € 250 a year.
Information for each sector
Contact us
We will discuss the possibilities of Energy Portfolio Management for your business. Our first conversation comes without obligations. Please call us at +31 118 760 760.