Netherlands and Europe

Energy subsidies

The energy market offers various subsidies. We ensure you stay informed and qualify for the right subsidy. We also advise on tax energy-saving opportunities.

Energy Subsidies in the Netherlands and Europe

Which subsidy is right for you?

In the Netherlands and the EU, there are numerous energy subsidies available, which can significantly reduce your monthly energy costs.

The sector you work in, your current financial situation, the type of subsidy you’re interested in, and the amount of your own investment are factors that determine whether you qualify for a Dutch or European energy subsidy. COMCAM stays up to date with possibilities for all sectors.

Dutch energy subsidies


WBSO: Wet Bevordering Speur- en Ontwikkelingswerk (Research and Development Promotion Act)

Innovative pilot and demonstration projects in which the applied innovative technology can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.


MOOI: Missiegedreven Onderzoek, Ontwikkeling en Innovatie (Mission-driven Research, Development and Innovation)

Fiscal support for research and development projects.


TSE Industrie: Topsector Energiestudies Industrie (Top sector Industrial Energy Studies)

Development of cheaper, climate-neutral and/or circular products or services that will have their first Dutch industry application in or before 2030.


DEI+: Demonstratie Energie- en Klimaatinnovatie (Energy and Climate innovation Demonstration)

Feasibility studies for innovative pilot or demo projects.



HER+: Hernieuwbare Energietransitie (Renewable Energy Transition)

Innovative pilot and demo project in which the applied innovative technology can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.


SDE++: Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie en Klimaattransitie (Incentive for Sustainable Energy production and Climate transition)

Innovative projects aimed at CO2 reduction by 2030. For most categories, projects must also lead to cost reduction. This contributes to saving future subsidy expenditures.


VEKI: Versnelde klimaatinvesteringen Industrie (Accelerated Industrial Climate investments)

Subsidy to make the unprofitable top profitable again. This top will arise if industries adopt new technologies or sustainable energy carriers to reduce CO2 emissions – market introduction.



MIA/Vamil: Milieu-investeringsaftrek/Willekeurige afschrijving milieu- investeringen (Environmental investment deduction/ Indiscriminate deduction of environmental investments)

Investment scheme for proven innovative CO2-reducing measures in which the recoup period without subsidy would be more than five years.


EIA: Energie-investeringsaftrek (Energy investment deduction)

Roll-out of technologies that lead to environmental gains, for example, circular economy or BioBased Economy, and help reduce greenhouse gases.


DUMAVA: Duurzaam maatschappelijk vastgoed (Sustainable social real estate)

Market introduction/deployment of technologies/devices leading to energy saving and/or CO2 reduction. Supporting a study is also possible (CO2 reduction plan).



Contributions towards the costs of making existing social real estate such as schools, government buildings, healthcare facilities and national monuments more sustainable.











European Energy subsidies


CEF Transport: Connecting Europe Facility Transport

Connecting Europe Facility, Transport: Focused on improving the Trans-European Transport Network.

FIT: Fast Track to Innovation

Aimed at improving the trans-European transport network.

Horizon Europe

Subsidy for partners from at least three countries to give an innovative product, process or service the final push to the European market.

Horizon Green Deal

Horizon 2021 – 2027 is an ambitious European research and development programme for a wide range of topics.

Innovation Fund

A major European research and development programme for making Europe more sustainable.


New European grant programme aimed at large and highly innovative CO2-reducing projects.

JTI Fuel Cells Hydrogen

Collaboration between neighbouring European regions on many topics.


Public-private partnership on hydrogen and fuel cells.

Municipal and provincial subsidies

European Programme for Environment, Sustainability, Climate, Nature and Biodiversity.

In addition to national and European energy subsidies, there are many local and provincial subsidies. We have insight into these as well and can help you find the relevant options. Want to find out which subsidies you qualify for? Contact us.

Discover which subsidies you are eligible for? Contact us