Business sustainability
Every sector has its own specific challenges and requirements regarding energy consumption. This is also true for the retail sector, where questions arise such as: Can I align my energy consumption with supply? Will my energy supply remain stable in the future? How much will I save if rates are locked in smartly? When should I convert gas to electricity? Does sustainability offer business opportunities?
COMCAM has the answers to these and all other energy-related questions and can improve your energy situation with Energy Portfolio Management [hyperlink]. We also provide tailored advice for your retail organization.

Independence in energy
Your energy questions
Shops, shopping centers and supermarkets usually use a lot of energy. Retail is a broad concept: own stores, chain stores, shopping centers or supermarkets. Energy Portfolio Management offers options to save energy, generate energy yourself or purchase energy smartly as a collective. The latter is possible, even if there are different energy points of interest.
Tailored solution
Opportunities for smaller entrepreneurs
COMCAM looks at the possibilities of one for smaller entrepreneurs entrepreneurial collective. Because energy is used in very different ways, we look for a tailor-made solution for each location. In retail, energy is needed for heating and cooling the building, for lighting, for elevators and escalators, for cash registers and scanning systems, for security systems, for cold stores and for display cases.
For retailers, smart energy measures are essential. Legislation requires sustainability. This includes LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and smart tuning of installations.
Energy saving: also interesting for businesses
Many entrepreneurs in retail see energy savings as an unpleasant obligation. As a result, they often miss the pragmatic business perspective of viewing sustainability as an opportunity. Sustainability can be very interesting from a business standpoint. Many measures pay for themselves within 4 to 6 years. After that, there’s a structural reduction in costs. Moreover, sustainability sends a positive signal to customers. It demonstrates climate commitment.
Contact COMCAM to explore your options.